Olivier BLIN | HDR
Head of the Clinical Pharmacology & Pharmacovigilance Department
Email: Olivier.BLIN@ap-hm.fr
Olivier BLIN (MD, PhD, MBA), is Professor of Pharmacology at Aix-Marseille University, certified in Neurology, Psychiatry and Medical Biology. He owns a PhD in Human Biology as well as a MBA from Ecole Centrale Paris. He is currently Head of the Clinical Pharmacology & Pharmacovigilance Department, Marseille University Hospital (Ap-Hm), member of UMR AMU-INSERM 1106, and coordinator of the University Hospital Federation DHUNE, COEN center on neurodegenerative disorders and aging (www.dhune.org). At the national level, he is a Member of the Working Group French National Plan for Rare Diseases, Member of the National Steering Committee French National Plan for Neurodegenerative Diseases and of the scientific committee of CNS ITMO Aviesan. He also is Vice President of the scientific council of CSFRS (Ecole Militaire, Paris).
Email: marcel.carrere@univ-amu.fr
In 1989 I have finished my master 2 in theoretical physics (plasmas physics) from the University of Grenoble and I have integrated the famous military school of Saint Cyr-Coëtquidan and spent 8 months as officer instructor. I completed my thesis the in 1994 with the title: ‘experimental study of a multipolar plasma discharge’. From 1994-1995 I went to Holland, where I was a researcher on plasma jets and tomography and in 1995 I was recruited to be a full teacher and started studying surface spectroscopy (HREELS) and designing an Helicon plasma discharge (RF discharges) and Langmuir probes, studies of anodic and cathodic sheath physics, and I discovered the creation on negative ions on a carbon surface facing hydrogen plasma. I also collaborated with a company, Ion Beam Services (IBS) and we built a new plasma implanter. All these works allow to pass the 6 January 2009 : “Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches” HDR , University of Provence « Plasmas, Surfaces and the interaction Plasma- surface. ». During all this period I was also Supervisor for CIES 2002-2011 to perform neuro-linguistic programming and didactic works for professional methods to improve education. My Teaching activities (AMU), are covering fields in electronic, applied physics , relativity , sensors physics, statistical physics, radioactivity, plasmas physics, optics, electrostatics, magneto-static, practical teaching for epilepsy and computational neuroscience (Licence1 to M2 biology and Nano- physics).
Since 2012 I am member of the team "Theoretical Neurosciences Group" here at INS, where my work if focused on measuring TMS-EEG at rest for healthy subjects in order to compare with modeling of epileptic patient and resting state patient with The Virtual Brain and I perform multi-signal analysis with software like EEGlab, Anywave, Brainstorm, Fieldtrip, Matlab and python programming.
Borana DOLLOMAJA | Engineer
Email: borana.DOLLOMAJA@univ-amu.fr
I graduated in 2020 from Grenoble INP-Ensimag, an engineering school in applied mathematics and computer science. Previous to that I studied at University Grenoble Alpes in mathematics and informatics. My work at INS involves integrating stimulation in virtual brain models and studying it with the goal to better understand the mechanisms of stimulation as a therapy treatment for epilepsy.
Meysam HASHEMI | Postdoc
Email: meysam.hashemi@univ-amu.fr
I have studied physics, soft condensed matter in IASBS, Iran. Then, I received my Ph.D. in computer science from INRIA CR Nancy Grand Est. My doctoral thesis, under the direction of Dr. Axel Hutt, aimed to investigate the mechanisms underlying the observed specific changes in EEG patterns during propofol-induced anesthesia. I have extensive experience working with neural models at single neuron and neural population levels, in both numerically and analytically approaches. I have a keen interest in Bayesian inference and parameter estimation algorithms. Currently, I am a postdoctoral researcher with TNG at INS Marseille, under the direction of Dr. Viktor Jirsa. My aim is to infer the dynamics of personalized large-scale brain network models using Bayesian framework.
Spase PETKOSKI | Postdoc
Email: spase.petkoski@univ-amu.fr
After graduating as MSc in Electrical Engineering at Sts. Cyril and Methodius University (Macedonia) in 2014, I obtained a PhD in Physics as part of the Nonlinear and Biomedical Physics group at Lancaster University (UK), after which I joined INS.
My research interests are at the intersection of nonlinear dynamics and computational neuroscience. I am interested in concepts from synchronization and population dynamics in application to brain-network modeling, with particular interest on the impact of time-delays. Using the brain-network modelling paradigm, I study the stability of network dynamics in surgical resection during epilepsy, and the impact of network damage in context of stroke. Additionally I’m involved in time-series analysis with time-frequency, information theory and statistical methods applied to electrophysiological and functional imaging data in relation to the whole-brain dynamics.
Pierpaolo SORRENTINO | Postdoc
Email: ppsorrentino@gmail.com
A medical doctor and neurologist by training, I hold a Ph. D. in Engineering. My main area of expertise is the study of novel methods to describe the global changes that neurodegenerative diseases induce in the brain. To tackle this issue, I base my analyses mainly on magnetoencephalography. I have contributed to applying frameworks such as the study of synchronization, dynamical systems and network topology to brain-derived data. I am a co-founder of the MEG facility in Naples, where I curated the setting up of the laboratory as well as the acquisitions of various cohorts of patients. I am currently involved in the attempt to adjust models in order to improve predictions of the large-scale behavior of the brain. All in all, I am still moved by the desire to contribute to unraveling and measuring the properties that make the human brain what it is.
Jean-Didier Lemarechal | Postdoc
Email: jean-didier.lemarechal@univ-amu.fr
Phone: +33 4 91 32 42 31
Jan Paul Triebkorn | Doctorant
Email: jan-paul.triebkorn@univ-amu.fr
Phone: +33 4 91 32 42 31