Respect, Equality, Diversity

The "Cognitive Biases" group at INS aims to expose the different biases associated with gender, disability, ethnicity, and sexual orientation for example. We share information and animate discussions to understand better these - often implicit - mechanisms that distort thinking.


  • Research and implement solutions to promote equality and inclusiveness, and to combat discrimination and harassment within the laboratory.

  • Raise awareness of the importance of these issues and the existence of cognitive biases, particularly implicit ones

  • Provide information on current events (local & national) and AMU training courses on these issues

  • Listening to and guiding potential victims and/or witnesses of discrimination

The "Cognitive Biases" group is currently composed of Aurélie Bidet-Caulet, Sophie Chen, Damien Depannemaecker, and Marmaduke Woodman. Our group is obviously open and you can contact us if you wish to join it.


The "service respect et égalité" of AMU offers to support victims of harassment, and discrimination (in all forms) but also for situations of sexist and sexual violence in a confidential and independent way. More information on their website


At Inserm, a group is in charge of collecting and processing reports of violence, discrimination, harassment and sexist behavior in the workplace. It includes measures to support, protect and guide victims.
